Art in Motion Pittsburgh @ Zahiya Online

Alexander Technique
with Ellen

January 31 (Friday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Main Studio

Alexander Technique workshop with Ellen Stafford, M. AmSAT

The Alexander Technique is a system of postural re-education that increases physical lightness and ease of movement by making the student aware of their habits and giving them the tools to change those habits for the better. Through hands-on physical exploration of everyday activities, the Technique shines light on inefficient habits of movement and patterns of accumulated tension. The teacher works with the student to determine what might have caused these inefficiencies and learn how to let go of them.

Equal parts philosophy and practice, the Alexander Technique allows the student to re-learn how to move through life. With insights into the body's natural tendencies and strategies for employing these tendencies to our advantage, the Alexander Technique challenges the student to begin to think critically about what once was subconscious habit.

The Technique is best known to those in the performing arts (dancers, actors, musicians, etc.), but it is applicable to everyone regardless of occupation. The philosophy it teaches and the skills it develops can be equally useful whether you apply them to dancing, running, sitting at a computer, solving math problems, public speaking, or swinging on a trapeze.

Join us for an exploration of Alexander's principles and how they can be applied to increase the
efficiency and ease of your dancing. All skill levels and all disciplines are welcome!


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