Art in Motion Pittsburgh @ Zahiya Online

Roller Play, adults
with Holly

Sorry - that class has been cancelled!

May 4 (Saturday)
at 12:00 pm

Class length
45 minutes

Art in Motion only

Join the Roller Play class at Art in Motion studio! Bring your roller skates and your willingness to play and dance! This class is for all levels, however it is recommended that you are generally comfortable on skates. We will start with a fun warm up on skates and get grounded in our fundamental skate movements like pivots, transitions, stepping, manuals, and edges. Then we will learn a choreographed skate dance flow, with options for more intermediate/advanced skaters as well as beginner skate dancers. The aim of this class is to connect with the playfulness and joyful expression that is roller skating and help you to feel more confident and free in your skating movements! 

*Must have your own skates. Class Limit 8 skaters, you must register in advance. This class is geared to adults! 
